Tuesday, September 18, 2007

LUI DA PAO: Shibori- Stitching Chinese Butterfly

LUI DA PAO is an indigo dyer from Fenghuang, in West Hunan Provence, China. He specializes in the various forms of tie dye, stencil printing, and batik. In this video he demonstrates the shibori technique of the Chinese butterfly.

Have patience with the video it takes a minute to load.  Thanks


neki desu said...

thanks for posting this video.
this summer i've managed to run a dye pot at last so let's see if i can get into Chinese butterflies.

neki desu

Anonymous said...

this is great, thanks so much. anything indigo related is a treat for me. i have been checking your blog for updates, anything you can share is a gift

kimonoist said...

Is this butterfly technique at all similar to the Japanese 'hotaru' (firefly) that uses cotton balls?